Internet Marketing Tips; Types of Email Lead Nurturing Campaigns

Internet Marketing Tips; Today prospects spend time 
researching prior to buying, marketers should create 
nurturing campaigns for this research.

Lead nurturing is about providing ongoing relevant, high quality content and maintaining communication with your prospects through-out the buying process. Email is a great way to provide informational content and an efficient way to keep the conversation going while the prospect is making the buying decision.

#147. Internet Marketing Tips; Create different types of Email lead nurturing campaigns

Educational Email Content

These emails shouldn’t be sales-driven, you should be offering people links to more blog articles, training videos, ebooks… content that you genuinely believe with be helpful to the prospects needs and goals. If internet marketing is the goal, don’t just send emails that sell your product/service. A good tip – educate your prospects about how they could implement what you have to offer.

Promotional Email Content

Internet marketing tip: Mix in some promotional emails along with educational emails. If you have a current offer that you can advertise, create a campaign around it. NOTE: It’s important to avoid getting spammy with these emails, your email may end up in the junk folder or prompt people to Unsubscribe. Use exciting language and try to grab your prospects attention with humor, controversy or data.

Best Practices Email

An important internet marketing tip; if someone opts in to an eBook on nutritional supplements, follow up with emails about ‘best practices’ to maintain a healthy body and lifestyle. This will keep your prospects engaged and anticipating your next email.

Demo/Product Email

If your prospect clicks on product info in your email or website, maybe they would be interested in seeing a demo or receiving a free trial offer in order to delve a bit deeper or get a closer look at your product/service. Send an email invitation to the demo.

Personal Email

If the prospect is moving down the sales funnel and is getting close to buying, it may be a good idea to send a personal and targeted email. That way they get a more personal touch and have a chance to ask questions… perhaps talk to a real person.

A List of Resources

Say a prospect responds to an opt-in for a free webinar on Marketing with Social Networking, send them a list of blog posts or training videos that you think may be beneficial or useful to them.

All of the above email campaigns are ideal ways to nurture leads through the sales funnel from potentially interested prospects to client status. What’s important is to keep the dialog open between you and the process, and that is what a lead nurturing campaign is all about.

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