Internet Marketing Tips: Use a domain with your full business name or a keyword rich domain, nothing is stronger than owning a keyword heavy domain.
Internet Marketing Tip: Nothing is stronger than owning a keyword-heavy domain…
…Even if you already indexed high in the search engine for your business name domain. And, if you currently own a domain that is all initials, it’s a good internet marketing idea to buy a domain that accurately reflects your domain keyword.
Another Tip: Your main domain should be a keyword that prospects are likely to use in a search
To truly sell and market yourself on the internet, you need to understand how Web Users operate, and how they are likely to find you. If you have a domain that is all initials… such as (which might stand for Lori Wilson Real Estate Agent), it would be a good idea to change it to
Think in terms of what your prospects or clients are going to be typing into the Search engine. They will be typing in Lori Wilson Real Estate Agent, not lwrea… lwrea is not easy for the Web User to remember.
Internet Marketing Tip; Do keyword research first, then choose a domain
This type of keyword research should include phrases that your prospects and clients are likely to use. For instance, say you have a light fixture store in Oakland CA, and ceiling fans are your major cash cow, you might want to purchase the domain –
If a few more visitors a day would make a huge difference in your business, then buy a keyword-rich domain, set up a satellite website with that domain (even a single page website) that links back to your main website. The result… you will be capturing as much search traffic as possible.
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