10 Tips to KISS Your Life

Too many people over-complicate things in life.

This can lead to paralysis by analysis. If you apply the KISS principle to your life, you will be more productive, feel better about the decisions you make, and can have a happier and more pleasant disposition.

KISS stands for Keep It Simple Stupid. That is, you want to simplify things so that a stupid person could do it or understand it.

Here are 10 ways to use the KISS principle to simplify your life.

1. Health

A. Nutrition: Instead of agonizing over which diet you should choose to go on, simply ask yourself what the healthiest foods are to eat. You already know the answer. Stick to that.

B. Exercise: It is not necessary to have a membership for a fancy gym, or to try the next big exercise fad, if these are things that will turn into a chore for you. Instead, try activities that you enjoy, such as Frisbee, hiking, dancing or riding your bike with the kids.

2. Relationships

Listening: Take what people say at face value. There is no need to waste your energy wondering what their ulterior motive is, or if they are not telling the truth about things. Keep it simple and accept their truth.

Talking: Say what you mean and mean what you say. If communication is simplified both ways, you can be much happier knowing that everything is out in the open. There is no point wasting time on mind games.

3. Productivity

Procrastination: If you are avoiding a particular task, you are just wasting your time, and possibly other people’s time too. Set a timer for 25 minutes and use that time to get the task done. If you haven’t finished within that time period, take a 5 minute break, and set the timer again and resume working toward completing the task. This is called the Pomodoro Technique. It really works.

Time management: When you are really busy and struggling to get everything done, do what every KISSer does, and write a list. Write everything you have to do, including deadlines, and then number everything in order of importance. Work your way through the list from most important to least important. Be sure to cross things off as you go along as this will give you a sense of accomplishment.

4. Work

Emails: Keep emails to 5 sentences or less. It saves time for both you and the recipient. Being concise also helps you to be clearer and more direct, which will reduce miscommunication issues later on.

Problem solving: If you can see that there are issues that need resolving, be the person who does something to get it done. Don’t sit around waiting for someone else to do it, even if it’s not your job. If you can see a problem, don’t be part of it. KISS, and don’t play mind games at work.

5. Lifestyle

Work/Life balance: No matter what work you do, create boundaries. When it’s work time, focus on your work. When it’s not work time, focus on your life. This is super simple, yet not everyone does it. You’ll find you are more productive in and out of work, have a better family life and feel happier.

Enjoyment: What activities do you enjoy most? These are the things you want to dedicate your spare time to. Adding deliberate enjoyment to your life makes you happier, more productive and more fun to be around.

Try adding one or more of these KISS Tips into your life and see how much more simple and enjoyable life can be.

Source: lifehack.org

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