Title – What does a Sticky Marketing Consultant offer?
URL – http://stickymarketing.wordpress.com/2014/01/15/what-does-a-sticky-marketing-consultant-offer/
What is Sticky Marketing? <h2>
“Sticky marketing doesn’t focus on simply attracting customers to your business. It aims to make your current customers return by offering them a good experience.” Source: eHow.com
In simple terms, “sticky marketing” refers to returning customers. And what sticky marketing consultants believe is that they can make the audience “stick” by providing them with relevant, insightful and engaging content.
In other words, as a Sticky Marketing Consultant, Lynn Albro would be advising you to research your target market to determine what information they are looking for, and then provide it.
In Lynn’s experience, customers are more likely to listen and come back for more, if they are interested in the things you have to say.
Sticky Marketing is the brain-child of marketing consultant Grant Leboff, author of two books that focus on the changes taking place in the field of marketing.
Grant Leboff believes that current marketing practices are becoming obsolete, and that business owners need to focus more on the value of an existing customer.
How does Sticky Marketing convert clients into a lifetime customer? <h3>
As a Sticky Marketing Consultant, Lynn Albro advises her clients to provide value to their website visitor; including tips on pitfalls and things they should avoid.
Your visitors will find this type of content more interesting and informative and are more likely to identify with your brand or company.
Today your website and social networking activities speak loud and clear to your clients and prospects.
As your Sticky Marketing Consultant, Lynn Albro:
- takes the time to find out exactly what you want to accomplish online
- researches your competition to see what keywords they are using
- makes suggestions based on what information might be relevant for your clients
- helps you integrate strategies that keep your brand out in front of the customer, but also encourage return sales and referrals.
Contact Lynn Albro, Sticky Marketing Consultant <h3>
Feel free to contact Lynn Albro at lynn.albro@gmail.com or by phone at 209-614-8010.
- Word count 349
- Main keyword – ‘Sticky Marketing’ – used 13 times
- Secondary keyword ‘Marketing Consultant” – 8 times