Internet Marketing Tips; Optimize a landing page with a consistent message to emphasis the benefits, a system to track conversion and tweak as needed.
When you integrate the following tips into your landing pages, you convert more of your visitors into leads, engage with your prospects and get a lot more exposure for your offers.
#179. Internet Marketing Tip: Keep your message consistent in the headline and the CTA.
It’s critical to keep your messaging consistent through out the landing page… If the headline reads differently than the call-to-action, your visitor may wonder if they are at the wrong page. If people click on a free offer and then find out there is a catch on the landing page, you will instantly lose their trust.on both your CTA and the headline of the landing page.
#180. Internet Marketing Tip: Emphasis the benefits of the offer at the landing page.
When writing the description, make it clear in a few words (and bullet points) what the benefits are to providing contact information in exchange for the Offer. Include some sort of benefit promise… instead of saying “Includes specifications of product/service”, put a spin on it and say something like “Find out how this product/service can increase your productivity by 50%”. In other words, impart the value of your offer clearly and effectively.
The most important thing to remember about the purpose of a landing page, it tells the visitor exactly what they will receive when downloading the free offer.
#181. Internet Marketing Tip: Include social share buttons in a prominent position on your landing page.
When you include share buttons, you are encouraging your visitors to share your content and Offer. And, when your Offer is shared, more people have access to the page and more people are likely to fill out the contact form in exchange for your free offer. So go ahead, include social networking sites as well as email giving visitors lots of options to share your offer.
#182. Internet Marketing Tip: After your visitor has filled out the contact form, direct them to a Thank You page.
Just like your landing page, create a Thank You page that enables immediate engagement; suggest other relevant offers that the converted lead may be interested in, include share buttons and provide an email address for them to contact you directly.
#183. Internet Marketing Tip: Track your conversion rates closely.
Keep an eye on your statistics, conduct A/B comparison tests and use the test results to optimize your landing pages so they continue to generate more leads. Remember, every offer has a shelf life and after a period of time your offer will need to be tweaked or replaced because it is no longer effective and is not converting visitors into leads.
Remember to keep your message consistent throughout the landing page, keeping the focus on the benefits of the offer, make it easy for people to share, and after the visitor has filled out the contact form – direct them to a Thank You page. Finally track your conversion rates closely and tweak when necessary to keep those leads coming.
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