It’s a good idea for the first sentence of your web article to be a definitive statement that summarizes what is contained in that web page. It should be rich in keywords, clear and concise. Use the rest of the content to explain and qualify your definitive statement, not the other way around.
Obviously, your human visitor should be at the forefront of your mind, but you also need to keep the search engine spiders in mind. What it all boils down to is you have to keep both the visitor and the spider-bot interested and convinced that they have found the article that will answer their questions.
“Keyword density is the percentage of times a keyword or phrase appears on a web page compared to the total number of words on the page.”~ Courtesy of
#90. Internet Marketing Tips; A keyword density of about 2% – 3.5% is good.
On the flip side, if you flood your text with keywords, not only will that confuse your visitors, but your content is also likely to get labeled as spam by the search engines. A keyword density of between 2 – 3.5% is good, in other words, use your main keyword 2 – 3-1/2 times per 100 words of text. And, that includes the Alt Text and description behind your picture or video. Stick with this formula and the spider-bots and humans with regard your content as relevant.
Examine your content to make sure there is keyword proximity in the first couple of paragraphs and a keyword density of at least 2% – 3.5% overall in your text. If not, then start reworking the text so that it appeals to both the human user and the search engine spiders. Remember, you are writing to promote your business, not a creative writing course.
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