Internet Marketing Tip: Tap into Google+ Marketing Opportunities, enhance your Profile, organize your circles and interact at least twice a day.
First step – set up your Google Profile
As of April 2013, Google had 66.5% of Search Market Share and you can tap into that market if you go into set up your Google Profile.
Start by opening a Google Account, then Join Google+, it just takes a couple of minutes. Once you are done, be change your cover and add Bio and contact information. Setting up your Google+ profile really improves you ability to attract potential prospects and grow your business.
#227. Internet Marketing Tip: Be sure to completely fill out your Profile when social networking
When setting up your Google+ Profile, keep the following in mind:
- The more that your audience understands about you… who you are, how you work and how to reach you – the more likely they are to take the next step and circle you.
- The more complete your Profile is, the better chance you have to connect with prospects that recognize the need for your product and/or services.
- If you make it easy for people to contact you via your Google+ Profile page, the more likely you are to convert a visitor into a prospect.
Here are a few more Internet Marketing Tips to tap into Google+ (and for that matter all social media) Opportunities:
#228. Internet Marketing Tips; Organize your circles and lists
Think in terms of segmented prospects, when you organize your circles (or lists) you have a better ability to send out target focused marketing messages.
#229. Internet Marketing Tips: At social networks, share links back to your website.
However, don’t blow your own horn too often. People who have you in their circles not only want to know about you, they expect you to be a source of other people’s industry-related information. The ratio of ‘relevant industry related information’ compared to ‘links back to your website’ should be no more than 5:1.
#230. Internet Marketing Tip: Add time for social networking to your calendar.
Consider posting and sharing, (as well as interacting and responding) at least a couple times a day. It just makes sense; the more time you take to interact in your circles, the more likely you are to find potential prospects.
#231. Internet Marketing Tip: Take advantage of Live Hangouts, one-on-one Messaging, and Group Messages.
Google+ has available Hangouts and chatting, you can limit attendees to one-on-one, members of a circle or community, or invite the public at large to participate to a free-for-all video chat. Facebook has similar capabilities with private messaging, one-on-one video chatting, and group messaging.
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