Awhile back I began a year-long quest to answer the question: What kind of impact does a high ranking website…
In our everyday life, we’re developing skills. During this process, we are thinking about who we want to be, and,…
Running your own business is tough. You aren’t just doing the core work, you’re also doing the accounting, HR, Sales,…
My journey from employee to business owner was filled with unexpected twists and turns. In my twenties I owned my…
Well…is it? Are people spending money for your services? This economy is not helping, but that is no excuse. Some of…
Since the first of January, I wake up each and every morning and ‘hit the ground running’. According to,…
A New Year can be a new beginning and a time to take advantage of a ‘motivation high’. Go ahead,…
I still haven’t got last years taxes done, my last newsletter was a week late AND, I have been pretty…
Have you ever asked the question – How do I grab people’s attention and how do I stand out from…
As some of you know from reading my social networking posts, a few years ago my daughter brought me 3…