April 2013 Newsletter
I participated in 4 sales meetings in four different cities during the first week of March… nothing like kicking the month of with a bang!
During the month I drove as far north as Roseville CA and as far south/east as Los Banos. Besides conducting training sessions, I met one-on-one with several Realtors and small business owners both in person and online.
I guess it is not surprising that I ended up with a bad flue bug on March 26th and haven’t been able to kick it today. I’ve been working at home for the last three days, because I don’t dare take my hacking cough into an office… no one will forgive me for that!
When you have time, check out my new website – 365 Internet Marketing Tips. Over the next year I will be providing over 365 Internet Marketing Tips, sometimes 1 at a time – other times at least a couple tips, along with with a written explanation for each tip. You can subscribe to the site, or LIKE the Facebook Page – 365 Internet Marketing Tips to get regular updates on all of the recent published tips.
For those of you interested in access to the Habits training videos, Habit #5 – Set up a Top 100 Prospects list and set up a contact calendar, is scheduled for Thursday May 2nd at 2pm. If you would like to review the Habits recorded videos, the first 3 are posted and Habit #4 will be up in a couple of days.
Due to all of this travel and activity, some of my marketing activities got set aside, and in the last couple of weeks I’ve been playing catch-up. Sometimes that happens when I am really busy, and instead of beating myself up I just got back to work.
Oh… almost forgot, my husband got in a car accident on the 27th, leaving us with just one car for 2 businesses.
In other words, build relationships and build trust! What I am learning is that I need to be more human to my friends, followers, LIKES and connections. My tendency is to provide the content, but not share the human – so I am going to have to work on that.
I just started taking a class by Chris Brogan – Digital Media Channel. It is an 8 week course that I expect will help me keep abreast of what is going on (and coming up) in the Internet Marketing field. Chris has over 13 years (to my 7) of experience in online networks, social communities, and other elements of digital business.
The focus of the first class is on what he calls the B strategy:
* Be helpful
* Be human
* Be interesting
* Be everywhere
During the month I will be setting up a private community at Google+ and invite all of you to join in the conversation – keep an eye out for that email.
Have a great month and I will be getting back to you the first part of May.
Lynn Albro
Questions or comments? Call me at 209-614-8010, or email me at lynn.albro@gmail.com